Monday, November 30, 2015

Title Page

Amber Prudence Foraker Blog Project
Part 2- Media timeline :

Chapter 11- Video games and Feature Film Industry

Chapter 13- Media Effects

Chapter 14- Personal and Social Media

Works Cited Page

Chapter 11- Feature film and Video game industry

Then- The beginning of films and video games:

        There is no denying that the entertainment business is one of the most popular types of businesses out there. The invention of video games and films are huge parts of this industry and continue to keep growing. Both video games and films have a short history but have achieved so much in the short time since their invention. Video games are very popular and with so many different types of games and variety consoles to choose from its easy to find something you will enjoy playing. In the short amount of time since its invention in the late 1960’s, video games have thrived as a huge piece of the entertainment business. In 1967 a German engineer named Ralph Baer created a brown box console, which was later called the first mass market console named “The Oddyssy” (onlineeducation,2015). This console sold over 300,000 units and included a light gun game. A few years later in 1972 the very first 1st person shooter game came out called “Maze Wars” (onlineeducation,2015). It is incredible to see how far video games made it in just these six years alone. In the years to follow, games such as Pong, one of the earliest arcade games, Gran Trak 10, the first racing car vidtheaters took advantage of video games popularity and in the late 1970’s Atari opened the first Pizza Time Theater, later called Chuck E Cheese (onlineeducation,2015). The need for the latest and greatest video game consoles kept the business booming, and by mid-1980’s over 62 million units of Nintendo Entertainment consoles were sold in America. More popularity from Nintendo comes in 1985 when Super Mario Bros is released, and sold 10 millioiin copies. Nintendo released the Game Boy and it was an instant hit, selling 118 million worldwide. In the 1990’s the fans of video ga
eo game, Breakout, and Space Invaders to made it big with the public (onlineeducation,2015). Three classic video game consoles came out before the 1980’s, including the Video Game Computer System by Atari, the Intellivision video console by Mattel and Color TV Game 6 by Nintendo (onlneeducation,2015). The Video Game Computer System is the most successful video game console of its time. Even
mes wanted their video games on the cd, or compact disc. When computers became more popular, video games used it to their advantage. Games such as Myst and Wolfenstein 3D were popular video games for the computer (onlineeudaction,2015 ). In 1994 Sony released yet another version of a video game console, that of the PlayStation Console. This was the end of the cartridge and the start of the cd for video games. Games such as Final Fantasy VII became hugely successful, selling 2,300,000 copies of this pc video game with 3 cd’s (Nelson,2015). The next big seller console to come out selling 138 million units was the PlayStation 2. F
ollowing close behind with video game advances was the XBox, which came out in 2001 and sold 24 million units (Nelson,2015). Video games have always surprised us as well as entertain us and the business just keeps getting bigger as technology gets better.

            The feature film industry is another big part of the entertainment business and like video games is always changing. This business all started in the late 1800’s with penny films, where audiences paid pennies to watch moving pictures (Medoff, Kaye 215). By the end of the 1800’s, the film industry looked profitable and the audience was ready for the next big thing. A man named Edward Muybridge made the first true motion picture when he placed 12 cameras on a racetrack in 1872 and captured shots of the horses running (historycooperative article). In 1893 Thomas Edison built a studio in New Jersey called the Black Maria, which was a dark studio room that had a retractable roof in order to get as much darkness as possible. Many short films of different topics were shot here and stayed in business for 20 years (Medoff, Kaye 215). In the early 1900’s The Great Train Robbery was created anth Century Fox and Paramount Pictures (Historycooperative,2014). During these time directors received more recognition due to filmmaking technology like trademarking personal styles in their films. By the time the 1930’s came around, Hollywood was buzzing with tons of films and is called the Golden Age of Hollywood. Before this time there was no sound in any films, and the introduction of sound created many new types of film genres, such as westerns, musicals and horror movies (Historycooperative,2014). The feature film industry took a dive around the 1940’s due to the United States involvement in WW 2 and Pearl Harbor attack, but the film industry got back on its feet in the mid 1950’s, where advances in music and pop culture helped the film business. It is estimated that by the end of the 1950’s in America, 10 million homes owned a television (Historycooperative,2014). The film industry changed its appeal to a younger audience, and created huge stars like James Dean, Marilyn Monroe and Ana Gardner. The 1960’s took a dive in the Hollywood film industry, and in 1963 only 120 movies were produced. This depression kept the film industry suffering until 1970’s films changed again. Its appeal was toward high action films for youth oriented pictures and produced films like Jaws and Star Wars, the highest grossing movies in film history at this time (Historycooperative,2014). The 1980’s film industry was filled with generic easy to understand and more marketable movies. The history of the feature film industry is amazing, and has so much more in store for us in the future.
d became one of the earliest and most famous movies of this time (Historycooperative, 2014). In 1911 the first studio in Hollywood was made because of the weather. Less rain as well as no snow plus lots of sunshine made it an ideal place to shoot films. And after WW 1 ended and the United States fell into a cultural boom, Hollywood became the new place for the film industry (Historycooperative,2014). Though New Jersey was the birth place of motion pictures, the birth place of movie stars and big feature films was Hollywood. The 1920’s was a prime time in Hollywood for the feature film business with hundreds of films being made each year. The earliest film companies at this time each owned their own film sets and studios, such as Warner Bother Pictures, 20

Now- Films and games in today’s technology:
        Today’s video games are much better in picture and quality because of new developments in technology.     Super Mario Bros is one of the most popular video games of all time, and in 2010 has sold 40,000,000 copies of this game (Nelson,2015). As video games changed with the technological world coming into the 21st Century, playing video games online became the latest video game craze. World of Warcraft was an incredibly popular video game. Since its invention in 2004, this online video game has only increased in popularity. In less than ten years, this game had 12,000,000 subscribers in the world of Azeroth (Nelson,2015). Video games only got more popular, as consoles like the Nintendo GameCube, selling 21 million units, and an upgrade on the Xbox to the XBox 360 in 2005. Handheld portable video games were just as big as consoles, and customers everywhere wanted the latest of this technology. Advances in consoles such as PlayStation 3, PSP Go and Nintendo Wii are big parts of gamers lives (Onlineeducation, 2015). Also sports video games such as Madden Football, which started in 1988, has sold 100,000,000 copies of this very successful game. One other big fantasy video game that hit huge just a year ago is Destiny. This game ranks number 1 in new IP games, which makes it the highest pre-ordered game in GameStop history, and also collaborates with Paul McCartney that created the epic Destiny soundtrack (Nelson,2015). Video games are really in its infancy stage and who knows what the future may bring for gamers and fans everywhere.
The film industry is something that has been around for many generations. This industry has come such a long way and with technology advancing all the time, films still have a long way to go. I do not think that films and movies will ever stop, but the way we view films have changed. With things such as Netflix and Hulu, movie theaters aren’t as popular as they used to be. Even video rental stores have taken a huge dive and are pretty much gone. The 1990’s film industry was more popular for at home viewing rather than going to the movies. And in 1997 DVD’s were created and VCR’s became obsolete. By the time the 21st Century came around, the amazing advances in technology proved a great thing for the film industry. We now have Blu-ray discs, streaming services online, and IMAX theaters for even more entertainment in the film business (Historycooperative,2014). The feature film industry has come such a long way since its invention over 150 years ago, and it’s a huge profit in the entertainment business. We now see a lot more of Blockbuster hit movies and trilogy’s that are high grossing films such as The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and The Bourne movies (Medoff,Kaye 216).  After the Writers Guild strike in 2007, the United States was hit with a rough recession. This had major effects on economics of the feature film industry, but this business had seen tough times before and by the end of the 2000’s, the return of 3D motion pictures appeared. The 3D movie experience caught on this time and was a big step in viewing movies (Medoff, Kaye 216). We now have televisions with 3D ability as well as streaming services and electronics with the availability to watch movies on them. Technology has worked well with the film industry and we have some incredible films with awesome special features that has the ability to take us to another world. We get the chance to be in someone else’s shoes and take a journey to places you have never been before. Video games do this as well and this is one of the big reasons this part of the entertainment business will be forever popular.

Later- The big future of video games and feature film industries
         With all the advancements in technology, it is hard to say exactly what video games and films will be like in the future. One big thing in the future of video games is called photorealism, a new era of realistic physical rendering (Stuart,2015). This feature of video games is something that has been in the works for years. The process from power of the multi-core processors is making the characters on the game look more real. This creates a new realm of reality, but with all new developments in technology, there comes problems and complications (Stuart,2015). The makers of these video game slots have been working on this for some time. They build groups of simulated physical objects that can sense and react to a player’s actions. A major key part in this work includes lighting.  In the past light and shadows were drawn onto the landscape by artists, but now this has changed into a realistic physical light source to simulate interaction between light and objects (Stuart, 2015). In other words, when a character on the game walks past you they create shadows under street lamps and flame in the game gives off a light as well. This is amazing technology that is seen in animated movies, but in a video game it’s a different type of entertainment. The real-time games make you feel like you are actually there and part of the game which makes playing these video games so fun and unique. Tony Tamasi is the senior vice president at graphics hardware specialist Nvidia. He says, “We’ve made amazing advances in real time rendering capability over the years. Shadows have gone from single blobs, to hard edge cast shadows, to soft edged shadow maps, to form of global illumination called ambient occlusion.” (Stuart,2015). These affects make the video game seem so much more realistic and changes the way we play games. Tamasi also talks about more improvements happening this year. Features such as real-time lighting and shadow effects and innovation on things like weather and day and night cycles. Tamasi says, “Imagine a truly simulation-based volumetric dust clouds, kicked up by a landing chopper, with player characters moving through those swirls of dust, interacting with them. Or characters blowing holes in the walls of a castle, allowing the sunlight to stream in from outside, bouncing from the floor, to the walls, to the drapes.” (Stuart,2015). Years from now who knows how video games will look and how far technology will be.

            The feature film industry has been with us for many generations and continues to expand and change with technology. When the radio thrived, the feature film industry suffered, yet still managed to stay popular. When the television was made, programs and shows changed the audience’s attention to home viewing rather than going to movies, but this didn’t end the feature film industry. It is still a big part of entertainment, but with the internet taking over the way people view movies, the film industry may suffer. The internet is now the way of the future, and it is all part of the shared experience of movie watching entertainment. The internet educates the audience, and having the opportunity to check a movies rating can affect the movie industry (Ziarmik, 2010). This in turn causes filmmakers to produce good movies so the audience will want to see it at the theater. Steven Spielberg has a different opinion when it comes to movies. He thinks the industry will implode and believes it is inevitable for films (Bond, 2013). Spielberg says, “Some ideas from young filmmakers are too fringe-y for the movies. That’s the big danger, and there’s eventually going to be an implosion- or a big meltdown. There’s going to be an implosion where three or four or maybe even a half-dozen mega budget movies are going to go crashing into the ground, and that’s going to change the paradigm.” (Bond, 2013). George Lucas also commented on the future of movies, saying that television shows are more adventurous than movies nowadays. With all the hype of streaming shows and movies, television and films are decreasing in popularity. The future holds more of at home viewing and film entertainment than going out to the theater to see a movie. 

Chapter 13- Media Effects

Chapter 13- Media Effects:
Then- The start of media effects

            The things we see on television effect how we see the world and informs us as well as entertain us. Television is blamed for the way people act, such as violence, increased crime rate and a lower literacy level (Medoff, Kaye 251). In a whirl of all the violence and drug use and crime we see on television, we forget that television also plays a positive role in our daily lives. It shows us right from wrong as well as how to behave and expose us to other cultures. The influence of this mass media started in the late 1400’s, when religious and government organizations suppressed printed works. Centuries later in the 1800’s, the penny press printed news about crime, scandals as well as domestic problems (Medoff,Kaye 251). By the time the 1920’s came around, parents would protest against violent content in films and in the decades to come focused on comic book violence. Propaganda was a big tactic used during WW1 and was a successful use of media effects. The radio was used to spread propaganda and persuasive messages (Medoff, Kaye 252). When The War of the Worlds came out on the radio, there was mass panic. These reactions from the audienc (Tiedje, 2011) Popular sites for social media became even more popular in the mid 1990’s, such as Myspace, Friendster and The whole point of media is to inform and entertain the audience members, and social media sites are a big part of our daily lives. These have big effects, like world news traveling faster and staying in touch with people all over the world.
e who listened to the show varied based on education, religious beliefs as well as political beliefs. This had a big effect on the media and made the world seem even scarier. By the 1960’s, there were a lot of riots and protests. People became concerned with the scary thought of how this would affect those who watched it. It was believed that watching violence on television caused people to act more aggressive (Medoff, Kaye 252).  In the 1980’s, a television show came out called The Great American Values Test, and was actually a research project. Viewers assessed their own values and the program would point out the inconsistencies to get the viewers to change their values and opinions. This research project shows that people who watched the show and participated were more likely to change their minds and their personal values. This show had a big impact on how the media affects us in our daily lives (Medoff, Kay
e 254). The 1980’s created more mass media, as CompuServe and Prodigy came up with the first commercial offering of news and weather plus shopping and more (Tiedje,2011). Just over ten years later, social media became popular as America Online launches AOL, which was one of the most popular online destinations having 30 million members. And before Myspace and Facebook, was made online in 1995 for users to connect with former peers from school

Now- Mass media in today’s society:
            There have been 3,500 research studies done of effects of mediated violence (Medoff, Kaye 254). Survey research is one of the oldest research techniques, which is usually in the form of questionnaires and observations. This technique is the most used method of measuring the electronic media audience because it doesn’t manipulate opinions or attitudes and record this as accurately as possible (Medoff, Kaye 255). When it comes to television, the research method used most often is content analysis. This is the study of television shows, lyrics to songs and web sites. This is a good resource to tell us about media content. Social television is important to today’s world because it changes the way we watch television. This is considered an interactive social experience and it takes us a lot of this generations time and attention (O'Connor 2011). This media is fast growing and interaction designers are using their expertise to change social media into something amazing. One problem faced with this is convergence, which is the struggle of living in a world with synchronous and asynchronous communications. Social media is considered asynchronous while the television is synchronous media (O'Connor 2011). Social television changes and evolves a little more every day, and we are only beginning to see the wonderful things in store for us with social media as time progresses. Another big type of research on mass media is by laboratory experiments, which allows the researchers to isolate factors for their study and usually involves a test group and control group (Medoff, Kaye257). The behavioral effects that media has on people is various. From imitation, a concern about people imitating what they see or hear on the media, to desensitization, a type of content that leads to dulling the body’s natural response to repeated exposure (Medoff, Kaye 259). These can have effects on children and adults who watch television. Cultivation is another big part of media effects. This research studies how television cultivates the way we view the world (Medoff, Kaye 260). This influence is very strong in people who watch television more than the average number of hours and these viewers believe that the world is scarier than what it really is. So these certain people believe that violence is an acceptable solution to your problems because you see it on television (Medoff, Kaye 260). Children are particularly exposed to this mass media of television, as most children watch over three hours of television a day. This has a huge impact on their behaviors and attitudes towards society (Medoff, Kaye 261). Younger children are more scared of situations and scary characters, while older children are more afraid of threats, not just scary images. Song lyrics and video games also have a huge impact on children. Parents believe that violent lyrics or deviant behavior is accepted and considered normal to a child. Gaming is bigger than movies and it has a bigger impact on society. Revenue from computer games and video games are greater than ticket stubs (Medoff, Kaye 261). Young adults and college students spend more time playing video games than reading or doing homework and that alone has a big impact on their future. 97 % of teenagers have played a video game and are becoming even more popular as technology advances. And video games have more of an impact on audiences than films do because video games are more interactive, include large amounts of violence and having missions like killing the bad guy to win the game, and also the portability factor (Medoff, Kaye 261). This makes video games just as portable as movies now and the business is ever-growing and remains extremely popular to this day. Many things effect how we view the world and the decisions we make every day and has a big influence on our future in cultural and social situations.

Later- Medias effect on the future generations

            It is clear to see that the media has had an enormous effect on this generation. This has an impact on so many things, like politics, business, social media and cyber bullying as well as productivity and privacy (Ta, 2014). Social websites pay a vital role in elections around the world and serve to rally for a cause as well as inspired mass movements in many countries (Ta, 2014). The effect is has on business media is also big, as companies use social media to advertise products and interact with customers. Social media presence is cheap and has better effective means than television ads, which builds popularity. The effects social media has on people is relatively big. The shy and quiet people, which are referred to as introverts, use social media as a way to ignore the outside world and place their importance on virtual interaction (Ta, 2014). And now instead of people bullying each other in physical appearance, the great invention of the internet now allows you to bully and harass people online. It can be easy to fall victim to someone to know on social media and when taken too far, bad things can happen. This is one of the major downfalls in social media. Now people can say horrible things to you without actually saying the words to your face. Productivity is a big concern in today’s workforce. With all the social media, YouTube videos and video games people lack motivation to get things done. You want to focus more on playing a game or watching a funny clip than doing your homework. Now, most companies block social sites in the office to keep it from being a distraction (Ta, 2014). When it comes to putting things on the internet, you must be careful of privacy. When you post something personal on a social media site it can cause identity theft or even stalking, not to mention most companies do a background check before hiring someone. The last thing you want is to not get the job you have always wanted because of a party you went to a few years ago, because that stuff never truly goes away. Once it is online, there really is no way of erasing it. Your family and friends are all connected on your social media, and what you post also has a big effect on your life (Ta, 2014). Another big part of the media effects is still on violence as it continues to be a hot topic for many parents, activists, educators and legislators (Medoffe, Kaye 264). Some people argue that you are responsible for the music and movies your child listens to and watches, and that they are also responsible for their own exposure to offensive content. With children now spending 17 hours a week with their parents, it’s easy to see how this content can be watched by a young child with no supervision. More statistics shows that children see 8,000 killings on television before 12, and compared to 13,000 hours of school work before graduation, young adults watch 33,000 hours of television (Medoff, Kaye 265). These types of media have a definite effect on people to watch them, and is having an effect on their future.

Chapter 14- Video Games and Feature Film Industry

Chapter 14: Personal/Social Media

Then- Social Media’s wild history

            Digital technology is part of everyone’s daily life and effects our means of communication. But before we had social interaction on the internet, we had different types of communicating. In the 1970’s a large business called CompuServe, which became available to the public in the 1980’s (Digital Trend Staff, 2014). This device allowed users to sh
are files as well as access news and events, and discussion board forums. These became extremely popular as thousands of people joined a discussion to give their opinion and learn more about a certain topic, and this started the popular use of social interaction we do every day. BBS was also a big part of the start of social and personal media. BBS is a Bulletin Board System which allows users to download files or games and communicate messages to others. Technology was restricted at this time in the 1980’s, yet BBS remain popular and made it all the way to the 1990’s with the internet revolution (Digital Trend Staff, 2014). The next big thing for social and personal media was AOL. America On Line is considered to be the internet before the actual internet craze started, and gave users an option to create a members profile, listing things about themselves. This was an instant hit and grew very popular by the mid 1990’s (Digital Trend Staff, 2014). Sites like Yahoo and Amazon were just getting started and online shopping was not a thing yet. It is amazing to see the technological advances in just the past 25 years alone. Another huge milestone in social medias history is the site, which was a website that let you connect with peers from school in a sort of virtual reunion. It was basically Facebook before the explosion of popularity in internet a few decades later. Even today, has around 57 million registered accounts (Digital Trend Staff, 2014). Yet another social site during this time period was This website allowed users to create profiles as well as look at others people’s profiles, organize groups and invite friends to your account. The founders of this website pushed its members too far by encouraging users to add more people, and this site eventually filled with spam on their membership drives. By the end of the 1990’s, this social website was forced to shut it down. Now we have reached the new millennium. In 2002, a new type of social website was formed, that of Friendster. This social site worked better than SixDegrees because they didn’t focus on the circle of friends, but rather that online community’s work because of common bonds between people (Digital Trends Staff, 2014). Today, this service is only an online gaming site due to technical difficulties and management problems, though it had over 3 million registered users. Moving forward a few years we see yet another social media site, that of MySpace in 2003. This site was once a huge deal and an extremely popular social site, but with most sites like this it’s gets boring and people want the latest and greatest of social media. Now MySpace is target site for bands and musicians (Digital Trend Staff, 2014). The history of social media is very interesting to look at, especially since I was around for some of it. I remember when AOL came out and I begged my parents to let me get a KOL account, which is kids online. And I also remember the popularity of MySpace and all the excitement of having a social media account. Media’s history is also important because it paves the way for our future.
Now- The always popular Social Media today

            The biggest and most well-known social media website is Faceb
ook, which started a little over ten years ago. Facebook was initially used as a social website for college students. In 2006 Facebook became general to the public and its popularity just sky-rocketed. In just the two years since it official start up, this social website was considered a huge business, and three years later billionaire Peter Thiel invested millions of dollars to see this website be a success (Digital Trend Staff, 2014). Facebook now has over 1.3 billion active users, and one reason to Facebook’s massive success is 2007’s launch of Facebook’s platform and had thousands of apps on their website. Now Facebook has the ever-popular like button and Twitter is a huge social media website as well. Tweeting is the next best thing to come out for social media and just like Facebook has tons of active users. During this popularity, Google decided to take this major internet use to their advantage. In 2007, they developed Google+, which is a considered a social layer of the media experience, and have now developed Hangouts. This is the next thing in social media as it allows you to have video chats with other people online. Google+ now has 540 million active users as of late 2014 (Digital Trend Staff, 2014). Mobile phones have been extremely popular for quite some time. But with recent developments in technology, we now have fourth screen technology like smart phones and tablets. This brought social media and digital communication to a new level. We can multi-task without much effort on our mobile devices without needing multiple devices, because it’s all the functions we need on one complete electronical device (Digital Trend Staff 2014). We now have a new feature called mobile computing, which is considered to be smart phone apps. Social apps like Instagram and Snapchat, which have changed to mostly mobile apps. Tinder is another popular social media site and has 10 million daily users, which is location based matchmaking. Platforms also allow users to share posts or pictures simultaneously to several apps at once (Digital Trend Staff ,2014). A popular app for the personal computer is webcam. It is a video camera that transmits live images between computers. These are able to operate at 30 frames per second, which is why it looks so clear and sharp on your screen (Medoff, Kaye 274). This is a major convenience for people who stay in touch on a daily basis and can’t see each other. This is a way for them to stay in contact. My younger sister lives four hours away and I am able to see and hear her using Skype, a type of webcam service. Webcams are also used for international conferences and public relation tools, such as online school work (Medoff, Kaye 275). Another big part of the social media world is the use of communication through gaming. Playing the game occurs on your mobile device, and social gaming has over 100 million people playing various games, such as Farmville, Bejeweled and Pet Society. There are three types of game playing, which are self-presentation, collective identity and phatic communication (Medoff, Kaye 279). With self-presentation, the player chooses who they are and how they are seen by others online. Collective identity is a way to learn more about a person by asking them questions, and you define who you are on the particular social media site. The last communication through gaming is phatic communication. This is where you maintain contact with friends online, but do not necessarily form a dialogue with that person and It is used for social reasons rather than sharing information (Medoff, Kaye 279). All of these things are part of the huge success of the social media, and with all the new inventions and apps coming out every day it is clear to see social media isn’t going anywhere.

Later: A more technologically advance future in social media

            With inventions of new apps and the latest technology, it is hard to imagine what the future has in store for us when it comes to social media. There have been so many upgrades, new technology and convenient apps, and from learning about the history of social media, it is safe to say new advance’s will not stop anytime soon. There is always some new development in process and it seems like just when it gets very popular and affordable for the audience, something else tops it. Social sites such as Twitter, YouTube and Instagram have proven their popularity and are here to stay. Twitter has 270 million active users, while YouTube users add and watch 4 billion videos a day. The success of Instagram is huge as well, as over 60 million photos are uploaded on this social media site (Wellons, 2014). Social experts agree that in a little over 20 years our use of social media will be integrated in our daily lives in various ways. The latest technology can track our habits, and virtual experiences are part of this too. There are many opinions from people in this profession. BreakingNews Cofounder Cory Bergman says “When news breaks in the future, it will be covered by a multitude of eyewitnesses streaming live video, enabling the viewer to virtually experience the event in real time. For better or worse, the world will feel like its right around the corner.” (Wellons, 2014). This is a very interesting outlook for the future, seeing how far streaming and video technology has come. The thought of watching news right as it is happening definitely seems like a possibility. Piera Gelardi is a creative Director for Refinery 29 thinks the future will bring a more sci-fi feel and it will be a portable future of social media. Wearables will be popular and we will implant a device that connects us to the world. Personal experiences will also change, like being able to share a taste, sensation or smell. Even things like shopping with turn to virtual technology. Going to an e-commerce store with a friend and using an avatar to represent you (Wellons, 2014). Also the talk of making these devices even smaller and convenient is a definite possibility. Jeremy Goldman is the author of Going Social, and he says years from now things like tablets, laptops and smartphones will be irrelevant, and interactions on social media will be voice controlled. Also holographic displays will be popular, making smartphone display a part of social medias history. Otis Kimzey is a Director for Simply Measured and his opinion on social media communication is it will be used but look very different. The amount of data will increase and so will convenient uses for other things. We already have watches that take our pulse and Nike shoes that can tell us how fast we run, and these are only the start of products like this. Our personalized content will be the norm of the future and it will become even more individualized, such as getting the exact content you want or watching a movie on a projector watch or contact lens (Wellons, 2014). Nobody can guarantee 100 % what the future of social media looks like, but technological advances make the future seem closer than far away, and who knows what the world will look like 20 or so years from now.

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